Business Development Services

Newark Urban Enterprise Zone

UEZ Information

The Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) Program was created to foster an economic climate to revitalize designated urban communities and stimulate their growth by encouraging businesses to develop and create private sector jobs through public and private investment. Certified commercial businesses within the Newark UEZ district can benefit from UEZ incentives. With every dollar spent at eligible Newark UEZ businesses, 3.3125% of the sales tax collected is invested back into the local community through special projects. These reinvestment projects may include:

  •  Business Loans
  •  Facade & Signage Grants
  • Special Events
  • Business Recruitment and Retention Initiatives
  • Streetscape Maintenance & Improvements

In Newark, the UEZ is administered by Invest Newark.

Featured Projects

Newark Retail Reactivation Initiative
A comprehensive initiative to revitalize Newark’s retail corridors and support local businesses, the City of Newark and Invest Newark have pledged $2.3 million in funding for eight retail businesses as part of a new Retail Reactivation Initiative to increase the number of amenities in Newark’s Arts & Education District.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Urban Enterprise Zone?

An Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) is a designated area where businesses can qualify for tax incentives and other benefits to encourage economic growth and development.

What benefits do businesses receive in the UEZ?

Certain certified UEZ businesses can charge their customers 3.3125% sales tax, providing a competitive edge to registered businesses, and benefit from tax-free purchases on capital equipment, facilities expansions, upgrades and certain personal property. Member businesses can also take advantage of the various business assistance programs offered by the City’s UEZ office.

How do I apply for UEZ certification?

Before registering, please review the following questions to ensure your business qualifies.

Q: Is your business physically located within the UEZ boundaries?
Businesses are only eligible for the UEZ program if you fall within the boundary map. PO Boxes and addresses to any Shipping/Mail Centers (like UPS Store or Fedex) are not physical locations of your business. You can check if your business falls within the boundary MAP HERE or if you have trouble with the search map – please give us a call and we’d be happy to check for you.

Q: Do you have a federal tax ID number?
(Commonly referred to as an EIN or FEIN number)

Q: Does your business have an NJ Business Registration Certificate (NJBRC)?
This is different from forming a business in New Jersey. To register for an NJBRC, please visit the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services here. If you need help registering, please give us a call and we would be happy to set up an appointment to assist you. Please make sure that when you register for an NJBRC, you use the physical address of the business.

Q: Is your business in tax compliance with the State of New Jersey?
Have you been consistently filing your quarterly business taxes and corporate annual reports? Do you (or your accountant/bookkeeper) have a MyNJ username and password for the business? If not, do not worry; during the UEZ application process we can assist you in creating one.

You qualify? Great! Here are your next steps.
1.  Create or login to a NJ Premier Business Services (PBS) account & add your business. PBS Instructions Link.
3. Click on the “Urban Enterprise Zone” when selecting a Service Center in PBS.
4.  Complete and submit the UEZ Certification Application
5.  For more info: New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Program | (877) 913-6837 | [email protected]


Schedule An Appointment to Get UEZ Certified

How long does UEZ certification last?

Your original UEZ certification is valid for three years. Businesses must recertify to maintain their benefits and participation in the program. The recertification form is mailed to you about a month before your certification period is up. Annual reports are due every year on the date of the original certification.

Have Questions? Ask the UEZ Coordinator
Andrea Cozier McLean
[email protected]